Fletcher Steel -Northern Region Distribution Centre
Fletchers northern region distribution is the primary Auckland distribution centre for Fletcher Steel – dealing with all of their primary commercial steel despatch orders, including rebar, girders and other heavy steel products.
The site operates a number of large capacity gantry cranes to move the stock and also works a 24/5 operation, which means the lighting in the site is task critical to the safety of the operators.
NuGreen was commissioned by Fletcher steel to assess the lighting format at the site and to specify a turn key solution to upgrade the lighting – as a number of the legacy lights had failed and required maintenance.
NuGreen proposed to change all the luminaire over to LED, specifying a long life solution to give the facility 10 years without requiring additional maintenance. NuGreen did not recommend changing locations of the luminaire as they were already optimal.
NuGreen had to work closely with site stakeholder to coordinate the access to luminaire, which involved managing contractors, delivery of equipment and the movement of fletchers stock in some cases.
Whilst access equipment was on site NuGreen also remodelled the exterior lighting infrastructure to allow the sites yard to be used for loading during dark hours, which further improved the efficiency of the facility.
Post upgrade energy and lighting audits confirmed the project delivered an improvement in light levels of an average of 50%, but critically, the improved uniformity meant every area of the site was now compliant.
Monitored energy data, peer reviewed by a third party partner – Deta consulting – confirmed that the project reduced lighting related energy consumption by 56% .

KWH saved per annum
Carbon tonnes saved per annum
Equivalent average households saved
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