Otahuhu Community Centre
NuGreen was commissioned by the Council to consider the opportunity to upgrade the lighting at the Otahuhu Community Centre, consisting of a community multi-use sports hall, aerobics area, swimming pool complex and library. The project proved to be a challenge, as consideration to aesthetics, luminaire locations, controls and strict financial criteria all came into play.
NuGreen proposed to redesign the swimming complex, reducing quantities and changing fixture types. Relocation of luminaire was required in the library to account for a community art installation that could not be removed.
NuGreen began delivery of this solution in February – which was disrupted due to Covid-19 L4 lockdowns. NuGreen and contracting partner Laser were forced to adopt new strict H&S policy to gain site access during L3 in May which allowed the project to be completed prior to L2 when the public regained access to the facility.
The final results of this installation were fantastic – 200% increase in light levels in the Sports Hall and 60% increase in the main pool.
M&V carried out on the main pool verified an 86% decrease in consumption in this area (achieved through a reduced number of more efficient luminaire).

KWH saved per annum
Carbon tonnes saved per annum
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